It pays to check the quality of your goods before they leave China.
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve sourced a supplier yourself or you’re using Hornet Group’s end-to-end sourcing service.
You need a pre-shipment inspection. It’s the only way you can be sure your product meets your quality standards!
Hornet will inspect your goods and provide an inspection report.
In most cases (at least where we have managed supplier selection), the report will give you confidence that your products meet specifications and quality standards. Occasionally the report will identify quality issues with the consignment.
Knowing about any problems before you pay and ship gives you more options and increased bargaining power in working out how to resolve the issues.
The pre-shipment inspection gives you power to negotiate with your supplier. You may want to reduce the cost of the stock. You may want to rework some or all of the product. You may choose to reject some or all of the consignment. or remanufacture stock if required.
But if you don’t conduct a pre-shipment inspection, you won’t know about any issues until the stock arrives in Australia. And then you don’t have many options.
Pre-shipment inspections by independent, unbiased staff.
Since Hornet Group have our own offices in China, with our own team, we can guarantee unbiased inspections. In most cases, it’s also very cost-effective. Our offices are located close to major manufacturing areas, so travel expenses can be kept to a minimum.
In general, we use our own staff to conduct pre-shipment inspections. When we manage a project, the team in China are involved from specification onwards. They’ve seen samples. They’ve explained changes required before starting mass production. So they’ve very aware of your specific quality standards and requirements. That makes them the best inspectors out for your product.
Occasionally, a product may be highly technical and require specific expertise – in these cases we assist with sourcing the qualified personnel required. So you can still be sure that your inspection is rigorous and impartial.
Do you need a pre-shipment inspection in China?
Contact Hornet to organise it for you!
Or find out more about our end-to-end sourcing services.